2535 Birch Street (1296 W Broadway) Rezoning Approved

Vancouver Broadway Plan

After a successful rezoning from the original zoning of C-3A to a 16 storey (7.07 FSR) purpose-built rental building, the property was rezoned a second time for one of the tallest planned sites along the Broadway Corridor.

General details of the application are as follows:

  • a total of 248 secured rental units (53 units are designated as MIRHPP units);
  • commercial uses at grade;
  • a total floor space ratio (FSR) of 10.52;
  • a total floor area of 18,335 sq. m (197,359 sq. ft.);
  • a maximum height of 84.25 m (276.40 ft.); and
  • 187 underground parking stalls and 438 bike spaces

As a condition of rezoning, the developer must deliver approximately 20% of the rental units at “affordable rates”. This will likely form the template for future rental building rezonings, whereby maximum development potential is achieved through “affordability”. 

Link to full rezoning application below:
