May 2022

Presentation to Vancouver City Council set to Reconvene Again on May 26th from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm

After numerous speakers and 2 hours of hearings, the Broadway Plan presentation to Vancouver City Council is set to reconvene again on May 26th from 3:00pm to 10:00pm. Council has heard up to speaker #91 of 202, with the potential for additional speakers phoning in at the end. Link to agenda below:

Broadway Plan Presentation to Council to Reconvene on May 25th at 3:00pm

After a marathon hearing over 12 hours, the presentation of the Broadway Plan to Vancouver City Council is set to reconvene on May 25th at 3:00pm. The Public Hearing got through to speaker number 66, with many more expected to provide their input during the next scheduled meeting. Link to Meeting Agenda below:

Broadway Plan Released Ahead of May 18th Presentation to Council

The final draft of the Broadway Plan has just been released ahead of the May 18th presentation to Council. Please don’t forget to write/register to speak to City Council if you are in support of the Broadway Plan. Link here: Link to final draft of the Broadway Plan: