Broadway Plan Presentation to City Council Set to Reconvene on June 22

The logo design Broadway Plan

Vancouver City Council met for the 5th time yesterday in consideration of the Broadway Plan. Council and Mayor added a 3rd and 4th round of questions for staff which was followed by a series of proposed amendments and debate.

Key among the proposed amendments were:

-A review of public parks and public space to be delivered over the course of the 30 year Broadway Plan

-A review of accessibility including dedicated bike lanes

-A reduction in minimum required frontages from 150’ to 99’

-Additional tenant protections, including the right for tenants to return to new rental buildings at their current rents

After running out of time with more proposed amendments, the meeting is set to reconvene again on the June 22nd Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities meeting. This 6th meeting will likely conclude in a vote and decision on the adoption of the Broadway Plan. 

Link to full meeting below: