After a marathon of presentations, questions to staff, applicants and 3 nights of public speakers, the rezoning for 1477 West Broadway has been approved. This welcomed news will help the project meet it’s development timeline in conjunction with the construction of the Broadway Line and ensure integration with the future station.
Written correspondence about the project was 607 in favour and 409 in opposition. Speakers were mostly in favor of the project, with detractors stating the following common points in opposition: building too tall, not enough affordable units and too much density for the area.
Councilor Hardwick presented a motion to postpone the rezoning until after the passage of the Broadway Plan, which would require the applicant to resubmit a new rezoning application. Together with the upcoming Broadway Plan presentation to Council and a busy summer of hearings, this would have resulted in the resubmission getting delayed until the fall at the earliest, during the next civic elections and possibly into 2023.
The final vote came in 9 to 2 in support of the rezoning. Mayor and Council were overall in support of the project with Councilor Hardwick and Councilor Jean Swanson voting against the redevelopment.
Link to full application below: